GPTZero is an AI-powered plagiarism checker that utilizes advanced natural language processing techniques to identify instances of plagiarism and AI-generated content. It evaluates syntax, vocabulary, and sentence structure to assign a score ranging from 0 to 10, where 0 indicates a low likelihood of AI-generated content and 10 indicates a high likelihood of AI-generated content. GPTZero is designed to provide reliable and efficient plagiarism detection services to various individuals and organizations.
Project Objectives
- Develop a user-friendly AI-powered plagiarism checker
- Utilize advanced natural language processing techniques to identify instances of plagiarism and AI-generated content
- Provide reliable and efficient plagiarism detection services
- Evaluate syntax, vocabulary, and sentence structure to assign a score ranging from 0 to 10, where 0 indicates a low likelihood of AI-generated content and 10 indicates a high likelihood of AI-generated content
Project Challenge
The main challenge of this project is to ensure that GPTZero provides accurate and reliable plagiarism detection services. Additionally, GPTZero should be able to distinguish between instances of plagiarism and AI-generated content. Another challenge is to ensure that GPTZero's plagiarism detection services are understandable to users with different levels of language proficiency and technical expertise.